Edchemy SRM is a comprehensive cloud software that manages all aspects of an Institution centered around the Student.

It offers features that are broadly categorized under these capabilities.

At the very foundation of Edchemy SRM is a robust, secure and flexible records management system. It allows institutions to store, manage and use all data related to every stakeholder and entity, ensuring it meets current and future needs of the institution.

Core capabilities of records management include


Institutions need to store data about its students, staff, academics, attendance etc. and these need to be stored securely. Therefore we ensure that the underlying data stores are secure and can be accessed by authorized system and personnel. Data is also captured and sent securely over the network during every interaction between the uses and the system.


Any data about the institution need to governed to avoid both intentional and accidental data tampering. Audit captures all the updates and allows to recover a record to a previous state.


Each institution is unique and therefore needs customization map its data and processes to their unique needs. This requires customization and Edchemy SRM provides a very high degree of it, and it provides capabilities to customize rapidly.


Every institution needs to create and use reports for administrative and regulatory purposes. Edchemy SRM provides pre-built reports and has the ability to create custom reports to meet the needs of the Institution.


Easy, quick retrieval of records is essential for running every day operations. Edchemy provides a comprehensive search, field level customization, filters and display options to make everyday use of the software easy and fast.

Built on top of robust record management are the automated academic and administrative processes. Edchemy SRM automates these processes to eliminate manual efforts, reduce errors and provide complete reporting and analytics of these processes.

These process automation are intended to reduce the burden of mundane and repetitive tasks so that institutions can maximise efforts on creating value in the educational aspects.

Some of the key automation are:


Admissions module enables institutions to receive applications from multiple channels such as Web, Mobile, Paper and Phone. Using a configurable workflow and rules institutions can take these applications through the selection process. It is supported by online and offline billing during the process. It also takes care of communications, automated notifications to all the stakeholders.


Every aspect of academics of a student and institution is handled by this module. It allows institutions to configure curriculum, electives, terms, schedules and so on. It then captures a student’s journey through the different terms providing a 360 degree view of the Student to staff, teachers, students and parents.


Examinations, Tests and Assessments can be created, managed and tracked. Provides flexibility to configure tests and exams to meet every need of the institution. It automates and provides efficient ways to capture marks, calculate grades, tabulate and produce Progress reports.

Two key features in this module include: Customized Progress Reports i.e. Progress reports in the format and design that suits the Institution. Paperless distribution of the Progress Reports including capturing of feedback and acknowledgement from the Students and Parents.


Automation of Fees is aimed to reduce the time spent in fee collection, tracking and reporting. This module is highly customizable since every institution has different structure, payment options and terms.

Various processes such as Online Payments, Over the counter payments, cheque drop boxes can be simultaneously implemented by institutions to improve efficiency and user experience.


Management of Transport related aspects and communicating it effectively with the riders and parents is handled by this module. It covers fleet management, drivers, routes, assignment of routes and fees management and collection.

Perhaps the most important aspect of improving the education experience is about communicating every aspect of the student’s journey to all stakeholders i.e. students, parents, teachers, administrators etc. It includes a powerful messaging engine that can use multiple channels, SMS, Email, Web and Mobile App.

Messages can be sent to various target groups based on academic classification, transport routes, activity groups, tests, examinations, subjects etc. Most importantly automatic notifications can be configured on various processes including examinations, admissions, activities etc.

We don’t stop at managing data and automate processes, but drive insights from these data and processes. All the data collected during a student’s journey is analyzed, interpreted and algorithms are applied to this data to derive insights that provides various dimensions of a student’s performance.

This is aimed at providing inputs to the teachers, students and parents to understand a student’s performance in depth and determine actions towards continuous improvement.